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Georgia Council
of Court Administrators

Established 1997

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A Letter from our President

Dear Fellow Court Leaders,

Henry Ford said, "Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success."  The Georgia Council of Court Administrators celebrated its 20th anniversary this year.  What once was only a vision of few has become a mission of many.  We are grateful to those who in the beginning not only saw a need for this organization, but also worked effortlessly to bring it to fruition.  We are also grateful to the many who have served and those who continue to serve in leadership and support roles.  GCCA is a testament to the success achievable when dedicated people work together as a team.

While the focus of GCCA has always been centered on education and networking, this council has expanded throughout the years to become the go to organization for the professional development of court executives.  At our recent conference, the keynote speaker, Major General Ronald L. Johnson, US Army (Retired) said knowledge was something you can share and keep at the same time. It is at these conferences when we are together that we learn not only from the presenters, but also from one another. 

GCCA provides a great service to the judicial system in Georgia.  It is through education, training, and professional development of court administrators and managers that the judges, attorneys, and public are provided with the court system they deserve and that the Constitution requires. 

Thank you for allowing me to serve as the 21st president.  Now, as we look to the future, we must ask ourselves: What do we want GCCA to look like in 20 years?  This will depend largely on our members' involvement.  As a member-supported organization, we must all be willing to step up to the plate to continue GCCA's success.  Consider this your invitation to get involved -  join a committee, volunteer at a conference, or participate in any way that utilizes your unique talents. 

Yours faithfully,

Tracy B. Johnson

Georgia Council of Court Administrators

244 Washington Street, SW Suite 300
Atlanta, GA 30334-5900
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